27 Agustus 2012

Maafkan Aku

Maafkan Aku

Terkadang menyesal tiada gunanya. Robie menyesal telah meninggalkan sahabatnya di jalan hanya gara-gara masalah kecil. Perbedaan memang sering terjadi dan seharusnya tidak berakhir dengan pertengkaran hebat.
Awalnya hanya dari tempat makan. Robie tidak suka cara Yuna makan. Robie melihatnya sebagai orang yang tidak pernah makan. Terlalu lahap dan bersuara. Yuna tidak tahu kalau cara makannya salah. Menurut Yuna itu berarti menikmati makanan yang terhidang. Robie berkeras itu tidak baik. Akibatnya mereka bertengkar. Seperginya dari rumah makan, Robie dan Yuna kembali bertengkar di jalan membicarakan masalah di rumah makan. Akibatnya Yuna ditinggalkan di jalan oleh Robie karena kesal.
Kini Robie menyesal. Tindakannya terhadap Yuna terlalu berlebihan. Bukankah yang disuka dari Yuna adalah kepribadiannya. Yuna memiliki pemikiran sendiri, apa salahnya itu. Kalau memang tidak sejalan, kenapa harus diperpanjang. Bukankah selalu saja ada perbedaan tapi bisa diterima. Robie memutar motornya kembali menjemput Yuna di tempat tadi ditinggalkan. Yuna masih terduduk menangis. Robie menyesal telah meninggalkan Yuna di jalan. Untunglah Robie cepat tersadar sebelum semuanya terlambat.
Robie turun dari motornya dan menghampiri Yuna. Robie langsung memeluk Yuna dan berkata,”Maafkan aku.”
Mereka berdua saling berpelukan dalam waktu yang lama. Yuna juga meminta maaf. Keduanya menangis tanpa suara. Pelukan keduanya merupakan tanda saling memaafkan. Robie sadar tidak seharusnya dia memperpanjang masalah. Seharusnya biarkan saja perbedaan itu ada. Karena dengan perbedaan, maka hidup akan semakin berwarna.
Selanjutnya Robie dan Yuna pulang bersama. Yuna memeluk Robie dari belakang dengan pelukan hangat. Rasanya sangat nyaman bagi keduanya.

Kijang, 27 Agustus 2012

07 Maret 2012

Nut Goddes

Nut (goddess)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the Ennead of Egyptian mythology, Nut (alternatively spelled Nuit, Newet, and Neuth) was the goddess of the sky.She was seen as arching over the earth, protecting it.

W24 t
Nut (nwt)
in hieroglyphs

Her name is translated to mean 'sky' and she is considered one of the oldest deities among the Egyptian pantheon, with her origins being found on the creation story of Heliopolis. She was originally the goddess of the nighttime sky, but eventually became referred to as simply the sky goddess. Her headdress was the hieroglyphic of part of her name, a pot, which may also symbolize the uterus. Mostly depicted in human form, Nut was also sometimes depicted in the form of a cow whose great body formed the sky and heavens, a sycamore tree, or as a giant sow, suckling many piglets (representing the stars).


A sacred symbol of Nut was the ladder, used by Osiris to enter her heavenly skies. This ladder-symbol was called maqet and was placed in tombs to protect the deceased, and to invoke the aid of the deity of the dead. Nut is considered an enigma in the world of mythology because she is direct contrast to most other mythologies, which usually evolve into a sky father associated with an earth mother or Mother Nature.

She was married to Geb, the earth god.

She appears in the creation myth of Heliopolis which involves several goddesses who play important roles: Tefnut (Tefenet) is a personification of moisture, who mated with Shu (Air) and then gave birth to Sky as the goddess Nut, who mated with her brother Earth, as Geb. From the union of Geb and Nut came, among others, the most popular of Egyptian goddesses, Isis, the mother of Horus, whose story is central to that of her brother-husband, the resurrection god Osiris. Osiris is killed by his brother Set and scattered over the Earth in 14 pieces which Isis gathers up and puts back together. Osiris then climbs a ladder into his mother Nut for safety and eventually becomes king of the dead.

A huge cult developed about Osiris that lasted well into Roman times. Isis was her husband's queen in the underworld and the theological basis for the role of the queen on earth. It can be said that she was a version of the great goddess Hathor. Like Hathor she not only had death and rebirth associations, but was the protector of children and the goddess of childbirth.

Myth of Nut and Ra

Ra, the sun god, was the second to rule the world, according to the reign of the gods. Ra was a strong ruler but he feared anyone taking his throne. When he discovered that Nut was to have children he was furious. He decreed, "Nut shall not give birth any day of the year." At that time, the year was only 360 days. Nut spoke to Thoth, god of wisdom, and he had a plan. Thoth gambled with Khonshu, god of the moon, whose light rivaled that of Ra's. Every time Khonshu lost, he had to give Thoth some of his moonlight. Khonshu lost so many times that Thoth had enough moonlight to make 5 extra days. Since these days were not part of the year, Nut could have her children. She had 5: Osiris, Horus the Elder, Set, Isis, and Nepthys. When Ra found out, he was furious. He separated Nut from ger husband Geb for all eternity. Still, Nut did not regret her decision.

Some of the titles of Nut were:

  • Coverer of the Sky: Nut was said to be covered in stars touching the different points of her body.
  • She Who Protects: Among her jobs was to envelop and protect Ra, the sun god.
  • Mistress of All or "She who Bore the Gods": Originally, Nut was said to be laying on top of Geb (Earth) and continually having intercourse. During this time she birthed four children: Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys A fifth child named Arueris is mentioned by Plutarch. He was the Egyptian counterpart to the Greek god Apollo, who was made syncretic with Horus in the Hellenistic era as 'Horus the Elder'. The Ptolemaic temple of Edfu is dedicated to Horus the Elder and there he is called the son of Nut and Geb, brother of Osiris, and eldest son of Geb.
  • She Who Holds a Thousand Souls: Because of her role in the re-birthing of Ra every morning and in her son Osiris's resurrection, Nut became a key god in many of the myths about the after-life.


Nut was the goddess of the sky and all heavenly bodies, a symbol of protecting the dead when they enter the after life. According to the Egyptians, during the day, the heavenly bodies—such as the sun and moon—would make their way across her body. Then, at dusk, they would be swallowed, pass through her belly during the night, and be reborn at dawn.

Nut is also the barrier separating the forces of chaos from the ordered cosmos in the world. She was pictured as a woman arched on her toes and fingertips over the earth; her body portrayed as a star-filled sky. Nut’s fingers and toes were believed to touch the four cardinal points or directions of north, south, east, and west.

Because of her role in saving Osiris, Nut was seen as a friend and protector of the dead, who appealed to her as a child appeals to its mother: "O my Mother Nut, stretch Yourself over me, that I may be placed among the imperishable stars which are in You, and that I may not die." Nut was thought to draw the dead into her star-filled sky, and refresh them with food and wine: "I am Nut, and I have come so that I may enfold and protect you from all things evil."

She was often painted on the inside lid of the sarcophagus, protecting the deceased. The vault of tombs often were painted dark blue with many stars as a representation of Nut. The Book of the Dead says, "Hail, thou Sycamore Tree of the Goddess Nut! Give me of the water and of the air which is in thee. I embrace that throne which is in Unu, and I keep guard over the Egg of Nekek-ur. It flourisheth, and I flourish; it liveth, and I live; it snuffeth the air, and I snuff the air, I the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, in peace."


Nut, goddess of sky supported by Shu the god of air, and the ram-headed Heh deities, while the earth god Geb reclines beneath
Goddess of Sky
Name in hieroglyphs
W24 t
Symbol sky, star
Parents Shu and Tefnut
Consort Geb

Nut and the Sun
The Sky Goddess Nut arched protectively over the Earth and all of its inhabitants

Great goddess Nut with her wings stretched across a coffin

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nut_%28goddess%29